011 568 3865 info@centrocmrtorino.it 09:00 - 13:00 | 14:00 - 18:00

CMR results

full-term pregnancies



The data in this table refer to pregnancies from oocyte retrieval (pick-up) that have reached term or are currently in advanced gestation achieved by means of HOMOLOGOUS MAR; all pregnancies that have started but have not resulted in a birth have been deliberately excluded, thus differentiating us from those clinics that report results for total pregnancies and thus include miscarriages.

This choice was made to inform couples of the real possibility of giving birth to a child with a single IVF-ICSI cycle of treatment.

Age Tot. Pick Up Tot. Parts % Age
≤ 34 599 322 53.76
35-36 359 169 47.07
37-40 831 291 35,02
41-42 420 71 16,90
› 42 340 14 4,12
Total 2549 867 34,01

Generally, the success rates of HETEROLOGOUS MAR are between 60% and 70%.

Age is a very important factor in treatment success rates. Customising hormone stimulation by adapting it to the needs of each patient and access to a state-of-the-art in-vitro fertilisation laboratory, where embryos develop in the best possible conditions, allows the CMR to achieve very high success rates above the national average , even in patients of advanced maternal age.

European Register data as per 2018

The table shows data from the European Register, which is updated to 2018

LBR/OPU = Birth rates per egg retrieval

Re EU 2018 Tot Europe
TOT PICK-UP 517.259
% LBR/OPU 18.00%


Pregnancy rates per pick-up performed recorded by age group of patients updated to 2020 in Italy.

It should be noted that the data relate to pregnancies achieved and not to children born, as reported in our tables.

Age % pregnancies per oocyte sample
≤ 34 19,4%
35-39 17,3%
40-42 10,1%
≥ 42 5,4%
Tot 14,9%

CMR PGT results

Extremely advanced laboratory procedures (blastocyst culture and pre-implantation genetic testing) aim to provide invaluable information on the viability and genetic make-up of the embryo, so as to identify that with the greatest implantation potential and with the minimum risk of miscarriage after transfer to the uterus.

The figure below refers to the percentage of children born as a result of the transfer of an embryo which tested normal upon genetic analysis.


Cryopreservation programme

The quality of our centre's work is also attested to by the efficiency of our gamete and embryo cryopreservation programme. High cryopreservation efficiency results in higher embryo survival upon thawing and a higher probability of implantation.

502 98%

Reduced risk of miscarriage

The use of advanced clinical and operational methods and state-of-the-art technological support, as well as a highly customised treatment programme, has enabled us to reduce the risk of miscarriage significantly compared to the Italian average.

Our results to date compared with the Italian average in 2020, latest available data.

CMR Italian average
22% 26%

Lower incidence of multiple pregnancy

The clinic's priority is to offer couples safe and effective treatments for both the mother and the unborn child.
The transfer of a single blastocyst, or a euploid blastocyst (in the case of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis), has enabled us to reduce the incidence of multiple pregnancies in comparison to the Italian average. This has been made possible with the aid of fundamental equipment such as the time-lapse incubator and advanced, standardised laboratory methods.
A lower incidence of multiple pregnancy means greater safety for mother and child and a lower risk of complications that this type of pregnancy can cause.

Our results to date compared with the Italian average in 2020, the latest available figures.

CMR Italian average
8% 10%

CMR, with a view to continuous improvement and in order to guarantee a high standard of quality for its specialist healthcare, has been applying a quality management system to its healthcare processes since 2011, guaranteed by UNI EN ISO 9001-2015 Certification.

According to these principles, the Clinic decided to submit its results and the entire MAR process to the verification of a third-party Certification Body (Certiquality Milano) in application of current Italian and European regulations.