011 568 3865 info@centrocmrtorino.it 09:00 - 13:00 | 14:00 - 18:00
I can't get pregnant


Reproductive Medicine and Assisted Reproduction Center

customisation to assistance


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More than twenty years
of experience and expertise
in the field of reproductive medicine

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Verified results
comparable with those of
the best clinics in Europe

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Our results are based on BIRTHS achieved through egg retrieval.
Pregancies which end in miscarriage are not included.

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Assisted reproduction technologies and techniques as well as avant-garde preimplantation diagnosis

risultati donne incinte centro CMR

Short waiting time between initial consultation and the beginning of the programme

customisation to assistance

Maximum personalisation and constant assistance throughout the programme

"The C.M.R. is an independent clinic.
It is not a macro-clinic or a satellite organisation controlled by investment groups.
Medical and scientific criteria, in line with our patients' interests, remain over and above any other unrelated aspects."


Reproductive Medicine and Assisted Reproduction Center

The CMR of Turin is an independent assisted reproduction clinic which has been operating in the field of reproductive medicine and infertility for over twenty years now, combining the vast of experience of human reproduction specialists with continuous collaboration with prestigious institutions from Europe and beyond with the aim of researching and applying innovative methodologies and technological support.

Our philosophy DOES NOT foresee standard treatments. We believe it is fundamentally important to maximise the personalisation of the entire programme and to provide all the necessary support to patients as quickly as possible, with flexibility and professionalism. This is how we strive to achieve the common aim: a birth..

At our clinic we are able to perform, on an outpatient basis (with the exception of the laparoscopy, which requires hospitalisation), all fertility diagnosis male or female, as well as assisted homologous and heterologous fertility treatments, including IUI, IVF, ICSI, PESA and TESA, the PGT (Preimplantation Genetic Test), the GCT (Genetic CompatibilityTest), the ERA test, the Endometriome and the most advanced Non-Invasive Prenatal Tests. (NIPT).

Direct access to treatments is guaranteed WITH NO WAITING LISTS

CMR is a private clinic and is not affiliated with the Italian national health service. It is listed on the National Medically Assisted Reproduction Register of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS).

The quality of our work has been certified in accordance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 regulations, certification n° 16510, as well as by the National Transplant Centre and the Region of Piedmont.

On our website you will be able to find out more about all the available medically assisted fertility treatments, diagnostic tests and genetic tests.

What we do

Our clinic is able to perform all diagnostic tests relating to male and female infertility, the most advanced medically assisted reproduction treatments, both homologous and heterologous, either 1st (IUI) or 2nd level (IVF-ICSI-PESA-TESA) as well as the Preimplantation Genetic Test (PGT), the Genetic Compatibility Test (GCT), theERA Test, theEndometriome and the latest Non-Invasive Prenatal Tests (NIPT).

Specialist gynaecological examinations are also available to fertile women, as well as check-ups during pregnancy and hysteroscopic procedures.

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test genetico preimpianto

Heterologous Fertilisation

Heterologous fertilisation is a fertility treatment which is accessible to those couples with irreversible infertility problems.

This treatment foresees the application of assisted fertilisation techniques in which gametes (sperm, eggs or both) orginating from an individual from outside the couple are used, i.e. provided by a donor.

  • Heterologous fertilisation with the donation of eggs
  • Heterologous fertilisation with the donation of semen
  • Heterologous fertilisation with the donation of eggs and sperm (double donation).
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Guaranteed blastocyst programme

It is a heterologous fertilisation programm (egg donation and double donation) which consists of transferring cryopreserved embryos to the blastocyst stage, an advanced technique which leads to a higher probability of achieving a full-term pregnancy. Our programme guarantees the generation of at least 2 blastocysts.

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i risultati del CMR sono allineati ai migliori centri europei

C.M.R. Results

Our success rates are in line with the best assisted fertility clinics in Europe.
Our data refers to full-term pregnancies or those preganancies currently at an advanced stage.
We have intentionally omitted those pregnancies which did not result in a birth, thus distinguishing ourselves from those clinics that publish results relating to total pregnancies, including miscarriage.
This decision has been taken in order to make couples aware of the real probability of taking home a baby after a single cycle of IVF-ICSI treatment.

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i risultati del CMR sono allineati ai migliori centri europei

Nutritional Consultation

The CMR offers personalised nutritional consultation with the aim of improving the couple's fertility and probability of success.

A healthy diet can help increase the probabilty of achieving a positive result from the Medically Assisted Reproduction programme.

consulenza nutrizionale personalizzata

The Team

CMR can boast collaboration with a team of professionals who are experts in the field of reproductive medicine and biology. They will accompany you throughout your personalised programme, coordinated by Dott. Maurizio Sodano director of the clinic.

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il team del CMR. Fecondazione artificiale

Online consultation

CMR staff remain by your side through the activation of a FREE ONLINE CONSULTATION facility, which will respond to all your doubts, with the aim of establishing an initial approach and beginning an important programme together.

Contact us via the following platforms:

We look forward to hearing from you!

i risultati del CMR sono allineati ai migliori centri europei


The following graphs highlight the percentage of BIRTHS achieved through the egg pick up technique at the C.M.R. clinic, and compare the results with the Italian and European average.




The First Meeting

As in every first meeting, ours will be fundamental.

There will be an initial meeting at the CMR, during which there will be an informal interview with one of our experts in Reproductive Medicine, before moving onto the medical examination.

This will be a specialist gynaecological examination with a transvaginal ultrasound, followed by immediate consultation for an analysis of the results.

If you are already in possession of recent test results it is a good idea to bring them to the initial meeting in order to have a more complete picture before undertaking the medical examination.

The medical examination lasts for about an hour, but every case is different and times can vary.

Contact us to make an appointment.

GERI provides a comprehensive solution for embryo incubation.

In 1998, CMR's medically assisted reproduction laboratory adopted the policy of embryo culture to the blastocyst stage and was among the first in Turin and in Piedmont to employ time-lapse technology.

This requires a fundamental element for the survival of the embryo being grown in vitro, namely, an incubator.

The GERI incubator provides a complete solution for embryo incubation. Indeed, it allows embryo development to be observed undisturbed thanks to an integrated high-resolution videocamera in each of the six incubation chambers.

Such avant-garde technology reduces stress on the embryos to a minimum and guarantees optimal conditions for their growth, maximising the probability of achieving pregnancy.

GERI Incubator

100% of treatments are carried out with this state-of-the-art incubator complete with an integrated time-lapse function.

Preimplantation Genetic Test

The CMR carries out Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) in collaboration with the GENOMA laboratory in Rome.

OUR percentage of babies born from the transfer of an embryo which was deemed normal after genetic analysis is 60%

The CMR was the first assisted reproduction clinic in Piedmont to embark on the path of preimplantation genetic diagnosis since it was was readmitted by the Constitutional Court.

This procedure involves in-vitro fertilisation and subsequent genetic analysis of the embryos, so as to increase the chances of obtaining a healthy child.

To date, it allows embryonic health to be evaluated in all couples undergoing in vitro fertilisation, even if they are not carriers of genetic diseases. It also makes it possible to identify the presence of monogenic diseases or chromosomal alterations in embryos at very early stages of development, generated in vitro by couples at high reproductive risk before implantation in the uterus.

There are various forms of application for the Preimplantation Genetic Test:

PGT-A (formerly called PGS) allows embryonic health to be evaluated and is accessible to all couples wishing to know the health status of the embryos to be transferred. In these cases, the choice of embryos to be transferred into the uterus is based not only on their morphology but also on theirchromosomal framework, allowing the transfer of chromosomally normal embryos with a high potential of leading to birth. To date it is the most commonly performed procedure and an increasing number of couples are requesting it.

PGT-M (formerly PGD) applicable when there is a high risk within the couple of transmitting a specific genetic disease (e.g. cystic fibrosis, Beta Thalassaemia) to its children.
Following analysis, embryos unaffected by the genetic disorder can then be transferred into the uterus.
To date, diagnostic protocols exist for over 200 monogenic, autosomal dominant, recessive or X-chromosome-related diseases.
Genetic pathologies that are very common in Italy, in which PGT-M has a valid application, include: Beta-Thalassaemia, Sickle Cell Anaemia, Haemophilia A and B, Duchenne-Becker Muscular Dystrophy, Myotonic Dystrophy, Cystic Fibrosis, Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) and X-Fragile Syndrome.

PGT-SR on the other hand, allows the detection of structural chromosome abnormalities caused by the incorrect breaking or joining of chromosome segments, ultimately causing disease. There are many types of structural alterations: translocations, deletions, duplications, insertions, ring chromosomes or inversions.

Reproductive medicine, assisted reproduction
and diagnosis of infertility in couples

Assisted reproduction is a set of various types of techniques, either medical or surgical, that can lead to conception and full term pregnancies in cases of sterility or infertility.

Unfortunately, in recent years, these have become increasingly common problems, and they are influenced not only by physical but also by psychological factors. Our centre has long been involved in accompanying couples in the difficult search for an often long-awaited and deeply desired pregnancy.

The first step is to identify the particular causes that prevent conception and implement therapies aimed at curing them.

The diagnosis is carried by doctors at the clinic following specific examinations.

In the event that is not possible to successfully treat the affected organ, the most suitable assisted reproduction tehniques are studied according to the specific problem.

The C.M.R. performs various 1st and 2nd level medically assisted reproduction treatments.

Assisted fertilisation or artificial fertilisation

The term assisted fertilisation or artificial fertilisation often refers to intrauterine insemination (IUI).

Assisted or artificial fertilisation refers to all procedures aimed at starting a pregnancy in the absence of sexual intercourse..

So in the context of whichever term we use, the following techniques are included: IUI, IVF, ICSI, PESA, TESA

Our Certification

The quality of our work has been certified in accordance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, certification n° 16510, by the National Transplant Centre and the Region of Piedmont.

National Transplant Centre

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Your stories


The CMR is a special place for us.
All the staff are extremely competent. Dr Sodano was able to direct us towards the right path for us, guiding us step by step.
Thanks to him we were able to have our second baby girl.
Everyone's patience and professionalism accompanied us throughout our journey. Absolutely recommended.
We will probably never run out of ways to thank everyone!


A fantastic team, from Dr. Sodano to nurse Eleonora and employee Claudia.
Everything was taken care of down to the last detail and I can only say thank you for the support and kindness you show me every time!
First Step passed but although I still don't know how it will go I want to say how good I feel with all of YOU!


We entered the world of PMA and the CMR centre in Turin in September last year. In April we had a positive pregnancy test and a few days ago we learned that we were going to have a healthy baby girl... we can only thank Dr. Sodano and all his staff for their professionalism and helpfulness, following us step by step along this path. You don't feel like a number at all: Dr Sodano follows you personally at every visit, monitoring, pick-up and transfer, and provides you with all the information you need. And since we got on so well, we decided to have him follow us throughout our pregnancy as well. Thank you for giving us our dream!!!


My husband and I are very grateful for the experience we had with you.
In less than two months we were pregnant, thanks to your service and experience.
I am very happy to have found you, you made from our dream a reality.... we will thank you for a lifetime 🙏

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